Case Study
How an Early-Stage Investor Improved Reporting Transparency with Investory
Company Name: Main Incubator GmbH
Main Incubator GmbH, or main incubator for short, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Commerzbank. As an early-stage corporate investor main incubator deals with future topics and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, cross reality, IoT, quantum computing and many more.

Main Incubator Needed a Better Way to Manage Portfolio
With a growing portfolio main incubator recognized a challenge within their investment management practices and managed to apply operational rigour to resolve it with a help of investory. As a direct result, main incubator has been able to track data in a standard format from the whole portfolio in one place, save consolidation effort and improve transparency.
“Due to the growing portfolio, we looked for a solution to become even more efficient”, said Verena. “Thus, before using investory, we were missing: a visualization of the key figures for our management.”
Why We Chose Investory
Once the need for a portfolio management tool was recognized, main incubator began their search for a perfect solution. Verena highlights key investory benefits:
Advanced Portfolio Dashboard
“Investory offers not only an individual view of our portfolio companies,
but also an overall view. This allows us to compare the key figures
of our startups at any time.”
“Tool should be easy for us to understand and use. With investory,
we were able to get started right away. Many functions are self-explanatory and
easy to understand.”
Powerful Charts
“We especially appreciate the chart function.
Here, we can have our KPIs, which can be custom defined and
displayed in an individualized time sequence.”
“We Looked at Different Start-Up Investor Relations and Portfolio Management Platforms. However, In Our View Investory Is the Best Solution of All Platforms.”
The Results
Now, main incubator has the ability to map their portfolio reporting transparently and, above all, uniformly. Key metrics are now always up to date and can be accessed by the investment management team and their management at any time. “Entering the reports is fun – because it is simple and effective,” said Verena Sulzbach.
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