We are excited to share our product updates with you. Based on your feedback we have added new features to Investory to make things easier for you.
Here’s what we have done.
Guest Level Permission
By adding someone as a guest, you will be now able to share a “view only” dataroom access with that individual. The new guest member will not be able to download any files, they can only preview the uploaded documents in the fund, investor, and company datarooms.
Download the Updates Received List
With a large portfolio, it can be difficult to take stock of all updates received. With the new export feature, you can export a log of all updates received for a given time period – month, quarter, or even year – giving you a good overview of which portfolio companies you need to follow up with.

Investory.io helps startups tell their story to investors, basing narratives on data.
Investories is the blog by investory.io all-in-one investor relations portfolio management platform. Give it a try for Free!